What an Advent it’s been! Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who have come through Armstrong Hall this Advent – it’s been really good to see you all!
We started Advent with the Midway Christmas Party, which saw 32 young people come together.
This was followed by the Kids Club party and the meal for the teens. Thank you to everyone who brought food and gifts to share at these parties – it’s really appreciated!
This week has seen Carols in the Mart which had around 400 people joining with the UCCT churches to celebrate the coming of Jesus.
The next day saw Armstrong Hall’s own Nativity Service which featured lots of members of the congregation, and a script written (nearly) completely in verse!
On Christmas Eve, we braved the drizzle to sing carols around Thropton – extending the joy of Christ’s love to all parts of our community.
The last word, as ever should be to Amy and Zeb, who have a special Christmas Quest for you all, so head across to their page and find out what they need to know!
Merry Christmas from everyone at Armstrong Hall!